What mysterious power compels one to shut off his mind to new truth? Why is this also true regarding many Christians and New Testament truth?



As currently known, constructed, and accepted, the New Testament is finite. If one reads it one knows all there is to know of it. If one studies it continuously one discovers greater spiritual truth which serves to open ever more doors of understanding. If one adds additional background information which aids his awareness, such as, for example, historical knowledge of the ancient first-century AD world in which our Lord Jesus lived, then one has greater ability to comprehend the New Covenant writings. This also aids in applying them.

We live in a time which is the greatest time for accessing such truths. If one wants to read the New Testament Scriptures it is a simple process. One can find many different Bible versions in most of the languages of the world and certainly the major languages. One can find these in print, digital format, or on the internet—pretty much any medium. Much of it is free. Some Bible translations are excellent and some not so much. Some purposely leave out particular words or add others or change the content subtly though deliberately which proves the authors thereof have a decidedly different agenda than revealing the truth of Scripture as given in the original. Thus, such versions only exist to deceive and lead one astray in order to fulfill a hidden agenda. This means one must be very careful of one’s choices and never assume “a Bible is a Bible.” This is simply not true. If one wants the actual full truth contained in the NT one must be selective and choose wisely.

Some New Testament versions are the very best we can do regarding word-for-word or literal translations (which is not easy with regard to the original Greek) such as the New American Standard 1995 Update. There is also a 2020 version though I personally have yet to use it and I do not think it necessarily adds much. I prefer the 1995 as it has been my go-to version since it first came out twenty-eight years ago. Prior to then I was primarily using the New King James Version but it is a lesser version by contrast though immensely better than the original KJV, which contains a decidedly authoritative bias. Still, the KJV is the one I cut my teeth on in the beginning of my walk and I know it well. It was the first Bible I read through completely and it did not take long.

At that time, after first getting saved, I used an old relatively tattered paperback KJV given to me by my original witness. It was already well-used and marked up and I probably added to it. I still have that Bible and treasure it. The next year I spent quite a sum for that time, over $40 (two days of warehouse worker pay) for a brand new leather-bound Thompson Chain Reference KJV which I still have in good condition. Later that year I also began using a hardback Amplified Version as an excellent supplement (I still have this also but it’s considerably the worse for wear.) Over the years since then and into the present I have also used any number of additional Bible versions (many!) to assist as supplements in my research, study, and writing as well as making good use of the original Hebrew and Greek.

We therefore have no excuses whatsoever as Christians to not read and know the New Testament. It is an absolute requirement for the person who actually follows the Lord Jesus. It is likely the case, however, that the majority of Christians are taught otherwise, or think only a few select “ministers” are supposed to read and study the NT. Again, such a belief is not Scriptural and arises due to ignorance of Scripture, because:

All true followers of the Lord Jesus are ministers, all are New Covenant priests, all are witnesses of the Gospel, and all comprise the fellowship of the saints.

Nevertheless, this is probably where the initial breakdown takes place for many Christians in that they neglect and/or refuse to read the NT in its entirety and thus never gain the spiritual knowledge within it as required. This greatly limits their effectiveness as Christians and makes it more difficult to live a Christian life. This neglect or refusal may also cause one to develop a closed-minded attitude toward Scripture in general in that one battles the conviction thereof by going in the opposite direction, in that one sinks to making excuses or even begins casting doubts on Scripture as a way to alleviate their conviction or assuage their conscience.

If one could only see this in terms of the New Covenant Writings being the actual written Word of God it would hopefully change their perspective. The Lord Jesus is the actual Living Word of God. By reading the NT one is showing his allegiance to the Lord by following Him and getting to know Him just as if one was following Him in the first-century. He said we cannot serve Him unless we follow Him and one cannot follow Him at a distance and also be a close disciple and develop unto maturity.

It is therefore actually quite the predicament and a crisis to have the vast majority of Christians in the world living in either a spiritually dead state, due to never being born again spiritually according the NT model, or they have been born again but remain stuck in an immature condition due mostly to being somewhat or wholly Biblically illiterate. We can gain more knowledge of this circumstance by studying the Parable of the Sower. In this story, only one person of four ever gains spiritual maturity and the Lord gives the reasons why. If one studies this and discovers the reasons, would he not then try hard to overcome whatever may be holding him back? But again, this would require reading the Parable and then studying it to the point of understanding which many Christians apparently will not do. So the conundrum is clear.


“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me…” [John 5:39]

In a recent post, The Lord Jesus Demands Total Allegiance: What This Means for Every Christian, I had a great dialogue with my friend Susan who added much to a good discussion. You can access the discussion following the post as usual. At the end of our discussion she said my article and our dialogue connected somewhat with a post she recently read and she provided the link. For anyone interested I suggest reading the linked article also because the author refers to the aforementioned crisis at hand and adds much to the necessity of reading the Word as an initial way of showing the proper respect and honor of the Lord Jesus, growing closer to Him, and yes, demonstrating total allegiance.

Remember, the Lord Jesus needs Christians who know the Word of God, know it well, can apply it correctly, and by this serve Him in helping others receive salvation, teaching others toward gaining spiritual maturity, and showing others how to successfully fight and win spiritual victories.

The only way these can occur is if Christians know the Word of God.

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’” [Matthew 4:4]

But He answered and said to them, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.” [Luke 8:21]

But He said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” [Luke 11:28]

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. [John 1:1-5]

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. [John 1:14] [1]

© 2023 by RJ Dawson. All Rights Reserved. 

[1] Unless otherwise noted all Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © 1960, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Posted on December 14, 2023, in Teaching and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Ah, the continuous unfolding of the mystery of Christ in us, getting to know him deeper and deeper in understanding the Word in light of the written word. Then knowing him as life’s experiences challenge our thinking and raising the bar on faith till be like Job (tho he slay me yet will I trust him), or like Daniel or John….or like us hopefully, til we see him face to face.
    I pity those who claim to be on that journey, but really have not gotten around to starting out, much less know or obey any directions (found in the Bible…).


    • Excellent. Thank you Gary. One can always tell who the committed Christians are by not only their knowledge of the written Word but their desire to live by it, stand up for it, apply it, and defend it. Such Christians take the Word of God seriously. Imagine claiming to be a college graduate though not being aware of the degree program and the many required courses toward the degree program and all the knowledge thereof. What kind of nebulous untethered degree is that? It reminds me of that true story many years ago about a star college football player who later starred in the NFL and who apparently graduated from college but did not know how to read.

      When I had one of my home Bible studies many years ago that consisted mostly of young college students and young adults I assigned much Bible reading each week, usually at least six to eight chapters, in an effort to get them through the New Testament as soon as possible. They were taking it seriously. It is actually not all that difficult.

      One wonders why most churches rarely do this. It is as if they do not want congregants that know the Bible very well—church graduates that begin new ministries—but perpetual undeveloped spiritually immature pew-sitters dependent on the clergy.

      Oh… So that’s it…

      Blessings to you, brother man. Keep up the great work. ONWARD

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I added a new app to my phone where I can look up any verse and it gives me at least 8 different options what that verse means in different applications. Amazing how one word or one sentence can mean so many different things, but when put all together one can still come to the same conclusion when one has faith in our Father, He seems to sort it out for me as He opens my eyes more and more everyday. There is so much to learn, we won’t have it all figured out in our lifetimes will we. But we know the most important is to love our Father with all of our hearts, minds and spirit. That sums it up for me. I was invited to a Baptist Christmas event last night, so I went to listen to some music to celebrate the season. The music of today’s church has changed dramatically. I remember being in Christmas programs at our church when I was a child. When we would get the hymn book out and sing the old favorites. Now the churches do not have pews, but comfortable chairs. A band in the front, with all sorts of instruments, microphones and giant big screen TV’s on the wall. It was like being at a concert. I know time changes everything, but I am way behind on the new music as well. Needless to say I did not know any of the songs they sing now, definitely not from the old hymnal book. I wonder if they sang songs back in the very beginning. I will have to look that up.


    • Thank you Sandra. Times have certainly changed but our Lord Jesus remains the Reason for the Season. It is sad that the majority celebrates the Christmas season but does not honor the Lord Jesus. It is supposed to be a great time when we celebrate His birth. I am glad that the old songs about Him are still sung and remain part of our tradition. But I know we both heartily agree that however we may honor Him is good and I know He appreciates it. I am glad you went to the event.

      I hope you continue to have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season. I have so much more I would like to share but am limited. I am very blessed by your comment and highly encourage you to keep seeking and doing research, especially regarding the Word of God. Thank you for your prayers. Be Blessed

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It is both a great privilege and a great responsibility to study ALL of God’s Word. I’ve read the entire Bible every year since I was 19. I’m 76. That’s 57 years of reading and studying, and yet every year there is that which is new, exciting, opening a different understanding. I love the Bible. I love learning it, and I love teaching it. There is no book more exciting to know than the Bible!


    • I agree! We must emphasize the New Testament, however. We must always put the teachings of the Lord Jesus first and foremost. We must do our best to research exactly how the early first-century Community of the Lord understood and applied the Old Covenant writings and do as they did. They set the example. The New Covenant writings are the written Word of a NEW revelation from God that supersedes the old. Every Christian must read the New Testament in its entirety as often as possible as you have done. You have an excellent Bible-reading record!

      Thanks for reading my post, Linda. I appreciate it. Keep up the good work over there. Blessings


  4. Certainly in America we are without excuse. Even on the rare occasion when someone can’t afford a Bible, one doesn’t have to go far to be given one at no cost.


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