The insanity is progressive.

The progression will not stop unless acted upon by a stronger force.

The American people used to run the country.

We the People.

This is no longer the case.

The enemy has taken control.

The American People:

  • Let it happen.
  • Helped it happen.
  • Elected the people who made it happen.

100 hundred years ago:

  • The American government was taken over by a small band of revolutionary traitors.
  • They were very powerful, wealthy, and influential traitors.
  • It was a classic coup d’état.

We know who they were.

We know what they did.

We know how they did it.

We know how they continue to do it.

They heavily influence most of the 545 people who make all the decisions in the Federal Government, comprising:

  • 1 President.
  • 9 Supreme Court Justices.
  • 100 Senators.
  • 435 in Congress.

America is thus no longer run by the American people.

We the People have been co-opted.

  • Our power has been confiscated and used against us.
  • Our wealth has been confiscated and used against us.
  • Our influence has been confiscated and used against us.

The original Boston Tea Party fought the Brits over almost nothing by comparison.

Its members were STRONG.

We have been comparatively weak.

The original modern “Tea Party” movement began in the 1950’s.

Many saw what was happening.

They fought very hard.

Yet, Eisenhower-Nixon and Kennedy-Johnson were ruled at the top by the same people.

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party were ruled at the top by the same people.

There is clear documented evidence that Eisenhower said one thing and did the opposite behind the scenes.

There is clear documented evidence that Kennedy said one thing and did the opposite behind the scenes.

The American people were not in control where it mattered.

However, by 1964 the original modern “Tea Party” movement actually achieved the Republican nomination of Barry Goldwater for President.

He was the real deal at that time (unless one preferred explosive government growth and the Vietnam War).

He was fully supported and endorsed by Ronald Reagan.

The enemy machine went into high gear and destroyed him:

The “Tea Party” movement was co-opted.

Those in power stayed in power.

By 1980 the “Reagan Revolution” took place.

Reagan swore he would never have the same people in his administration as those who destroyed Barry Goldwater. He failed. Reagan said one thing, but his administration largely did something else.

He was co-opted. The real promise of his administration never came to pass. Good things happened, but it was not a real revolution.

Those in power stayed in power.

In 1994, the next manifestation of the “Tea Party” movement arose. It managed to take over both houses of Congress. It was a powerful manifestation of We the People.

But guess what?

The movement was co-opted. It was taken over by those who say one thing but do another. “The Contract with America” became a farce. Nothing substantial changed.

Those in power stayed in power.

George W. Bush did nothing to stop the terrorist forces on 9/11.

He used the attack to facilitate a war in Iraq.

Iraq did not attack us on 9/11.

Iraq had no Weapons of Mass Destruction. [1]

The current Tea Party Movement arose yet again as supporters of Congressman Ron Paul in 2007.

It was a massive grassroots and internet movement that later manifested all across the country beginning in early 2009 against the latest and greatest manifestation of government power and TAXES run amuck.

It has largely been co-opted.

Surprise, surprise.

Many of those within the movement became engaged in the inevitable personality cult instead of adhering to the issues at hand.

Like the Dwight Eisenhower personality cult (with a giant base who loved him no matter what he did).

Like the John F. Kennedy personality cult (with a giant base who loved him no matter what he did).

Like the Bill Clinton personality cult (with a giant base who loved him no matter what he did).

Like the George W. Bush personality cult (with a giant base who loved him no matter what he did).

Like the Barrack Obama personality cult (with a giant base who love him no matter what he does).

Who has co-opted the Tea Party?

The following is an example and case in point:

Debra Medina ran for the 2010 Republican nomination for governor of Texas.

She was an excellent alternative choice against the usual establishment candidates. She consistently gave intelligent answers in interviews and debates as opposed to the bland tripe of professional politicians.

She was on the rise seemingly out of nowhere.

She ended up being betrayed by someone who for all intents and purposes was on her side.

A popular radio and television personality destroyed her.

Later, his friend Sarah Palin endorsed Rick Perry.

Rick Perry is much more an establishment Republican insider than a Tea Party proponent and, regardless of press to the contrary, a friend of Bush.

Will the current overall Tea Party movement continue being co-opted?

Under the usual circumstances it would be.

But these times are not usual.

There are two major essentials involved now that were never involved before to the degree that they needed to be involved.

These two essentials have the traitors who took over the country 100 years ago very concerned.

In fact, they are actually AFRAID.

They are seeing their master plan being compromised.

They misjudged the SPIRIT of the American people.

They made the decision to accelerate their “gradualism” program at the same time the current Tea Party movement began to rise again.

They saw how easy it was to deceive the American people concerning 9/11.

They quickly joined forces under false pretenses and put most of the 545 to work.

From that we got The Patriot Act, which is more accurately The Traitor Act.

We got the Iraq war.

We got the Afghanistan War.

We have constant surveillance in everything we do and everywhere we go, legal or not.

We got the great bailouts of Wall Street firms and “Too Big to Fail Corporations.”

The Federal Government grew more powerful than ever before in a very short time.

Wall Street got off scot-free.

Those in control took care of themselves and one another.

Bush did it.

Obama did it.

The Supreme Court did it.

The Senate did it.

Congress did it.


We elected them.

They have used their power, wealth, and influence to take away our power, wealth, and influence.

We the People have been betrayed yet again.

What are the two major essentials the American people now have that they did not have before?

Why are those in power afraid?

I will start with the second essential:


America knows what is going on behind the scenes as they never have prior to this time. Knowledge has increased exponentially and millions of new news outlets have come forth through average patriotic Americans. Truth and falsehood are now duking it out on a major scale and truth is winning.

Many have seen behind the curtain.

The great Oz is actually a tiny little guy with levers and a mike. The Lilliputians blather on incessantly as if they are somebody but are mere holders of massive wealth through which they gain and maintain their power. They serve mammon. Always have. Money is their god.

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” [2]

Which brings us to the first essential:


He is involved because many more millions have committed wholeheartedly to His leadership.

He has millions of Americans with Him who are willing to do whatever is necessary to defeat evil.

He has heard the billions of prayers of His people over many decades.

His people warn against falling for the same old garbage.

His people warn against the cults of personality.

His people warn against being compromised by sin.

If His people do things His way, and if His people use the information at their disposal, the following will transpire:

The current co-opting of the “Tea Party” movement will not succeed.

  • There will be some success this November, 2010.
  • There will be continued success in 2011.
  • There will be continued success in 2012.

The establishment powers will continue to lose bit by bit and will have no means of stopping the tide.

The gradualism toward a pure socialistic tyrannical 1984 police state will cease.

A return to liberty will take hold and continue.

It will grow slowly and surely, and then exponentially.

The old order of traitors will be removed.

We the People will take our country back due to humbling ourselves, repentance, submitting to the Lord, and allowing Him to unite us in love and unity.

This is what all loyal Americans want if they want to save their country.

This is what God wants.

He always fights on the side of liberty.

In fact, He gave His life for it.

Yet, it is not about “America the country.”

It is about each American individual through which the country is comprised.

It is about We the People living in the freedom we have fought for and God has granted.

Yet, the traitors will not go down easy.

They will continue to try to stop the movement toward freedom.

They are against individual liberty.

They hate God.

They will have to make drastic moves.

In fact, the drastic moves have already begun.

The war is on.

There is no turning back.

It is feast or famine.

It will either be a glorious win or the final defeat.

There is no going back to any “business as usual,” because such would merely be the continuation of a downward spiral.

During the American Revolution of the 1770’s:

One third of the American colonists sided with the Brits and remained loyal to the throne of King George III. They were known as Tories. They were also known by other names unrepeatable here. They were solidly against the Revolution. They were duplicitous traitors.

One third of the American colonists did not care one way or the other. They were too afraid or apathetic to take up arms against the Brits, nor would they fight for them. They were full of excuses, had no backbone, conviction, or heart for liberty, and were entirely selfish and tepid. Regarding the Revolution, they were irrelevant wimps.

However, One third of the American colonists saw the Revolution as their one impossible chance at freedom and liberty, and they put everything on the line. They risked it all. They were freedom fighters. They were loyal Americans. AND THEY WON.

That which is presently transpiring in America is not necessarily a revolution. We already have the Constitution of the United States. We will not write a better document. We will not form a more perfect government structure than the prototype.

The only thing America needs to do is remove the traitors from power by taking over their positions of power through the very legal and proper means set forth in our Constitution.

The enemy, however, will continue to Cheat, Steal, Lie, Slander, Libel, Smear, Betray, and Murder. That’s how they gained power. That’s how they maintain power.

Those who fight for liberty must not do those things or the effort will fail.

It is not a fair fight.

It is nothing close to a fair fight.

Battles of this kind never are.

Yet, about 230 years ago our forefathers fought an impossible war against the greatest power on earth. They did it right. AND THEY WON.

They did it with God.

There would have been no success otherwise.

The Great Awakening of the 1730’s and 40’s set the tone for the Revolution of the 1770’s.

Spiritual battle always precedes eventual victory.

Yet, every fight for freedom over the last 100 years has failed.

Each was co-opted.

Due to the formidable nature of present circumstances, this is likely our last chance.

There are still only three kinds of citizens in this country.

Are you:

(1) A Traitor?

(2) Irrelevant?

(3) A Loyal American?

It’s your choice. Amen.

© 2010 by RJ Dawson. All Rights Reserved.

[1] Despite later Bush administration pronouncements that no WMD’s actually existed, including claims by high-ranking officials David Kay, Bush’s top weapons expert in Iraq, chief U.S. investigator Charles Duelfer, and former US Secretary of State Colin Powell, this view is contested by former Iraqi Air Force General and fighter pilot Georges Sada in his book, Saddam’s Secrets, © 2006 Integrity Publishers.

[2] Unless otherwise noted all Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © 1960, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Posted on August 16, 2011, in Current Events and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)

    As C.S. Lewis once said about Aslan: “He is not a tame Lion.” The fear of the Lord must be restored to the house of the Lord. Repentance starts there: each individual bowing the knee to the Sovereign of all. The keys are in the hand of the King.


  2. Thank you Bob, for your insight. I guess I have been in the twilight zone of innocence; unaware or negligent of the signs….ear-marking them as strictly theoretical and alarmist.

    As you say, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY is bringing many previously “hidden” activities to light and OUR LORD JESUS can make current efforts to take back America for “We the People” a reality this go round.

    It will not be an easy road and we cannot travel alone. We must come to the Lord with humble, obedient, repentant hearts. Only then can the full power of the Holy Spirit be unleashed to accomplish what has been impossible on our own. We must be willing to sacrificially “drink from His cup” and be “baptized with His Baptism” (Matt 20:17-22) in order to be worthy of and properly equipped for the task at hand. It can be done, “With God all things are possible.” Thanks for shedding light. don


  3. My wife (Manoah’s Wife) forwarded me this post. She rightly discerned that I would appreciate the post. What will the church do when The Lion of the Tribe of Judah roars? Will they run to the roar or hide in terror? God’s mercy and grace are beyond understanding precisely because His judgements are real. I have appreciated what you are writing and when my wife finally finishes your book, it will be my turn. The Blessing of Christ be upon your house.


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