The original NT definition has been blurred and undermined by centuries of erroneous Christian teachings, easy believism, and errant agendas.  


This is what He actually taught. This is what He demanded of His disciples. It was the only way His ministry could possibly work. It is in part why so many original followers turned away from Him. He kept speaking of the great demands their discipleship would require. He kept attempting to teach the deeper and greater truths they must learn but they were finding these difficult to comprehend. He also kept coming up with “hard sayings” that some couldn’t handle or understand, and which caused not a few to develop a problem with Him. Such pure teachings also served to weed out the pretenders, the half-hearted, and the rebellious—those which Christianity later became saturated with, which includes these present times, of course, as the clueless faux bros comprise the majority.

Unreal Christianity thus, by refusing to grant Him full fidelity, instead mocks the Lord and makes a mockery of His work. The Christians involved possess no true allegiance to the One they profess to follow. They may talk the talk but refuse to walk the walk and cannot be counted on. Their leaders expose themselves as mere men for hire (hirelings) in that they never or rarely work without a paycheck.   


“Awake, sleeper,

And arise from the dead,

And Christ will shine on you.” [Ephesians 5:14]

Though easy Christianity is more comfortable and acceptable it is also spiritually ineffective (understatement alert). That’s the tradeoff. Its lack of salt and light makes it wholly unproductive and largely fruitless in a fallen world growing darker and more sinful every day. In fact, the slow dissolution of American Christianity over the last quarter century into its current backslid, sinful, deceived, and wholly weakened condition is largely the reason the America that once was is now dead and no longer in need of restoration but resurrection. The majority of American Christianity remains locked in a deep sleep and shows no signs whatsoever of waking up. I have been preaching the WAKE UP sermon here on this site for twelve and a half years and the only change I have seen regarding the trending majority is deeper sleep.

Now, the Lord God was certainly successful early on in rousing a few and then later quite a few more though the percentage remains woefully low. This means many Christians have awakened and are doing their best to awaken others. Yet there are likely more awake non-Christians than awake Christians but that is certainly okay. Both are doing great work.

Nevertheless, the effect of the Christian deep sleep has been disastrous for the country. We are now in the exponential rise phase in which the enemy has accelerated his evil and is getting away with massive crimes with no remedy and corruption has run amok. America has suffered a spiritual coup d’état and those who wrested control are purposefully running the place into the ground. It is the end effect of serving mammon and not God. And to add to all of the above, real Christians not only continue being persecuted by the usual suspects but these now include, strangely enough, the deep-sleeping Christians, many of which act like the proverbial small child refusing to rise from slumber and get out of bed in the morning, even turning against those trying to rouse them.


On the other hand, those Christians who are awake who go all out in service to the Lord make their presence felt. Others feel their weight. There’s something going on with them that causes sinners to feel uncomfortable in their presence. However, sinners searching for truth and trying to escape sin bondage are alerted by their presence in a positive way and see such people as a hopeful answer and seek them out. It is why transformed sinners so love the Lord and His real people. They get it. They know what it’s like to be under sin’s spell and delivered from it and will never go back. It is also why the relatively few dedicated disciples the Lord ended up with in the beginning transformed their world. Even the devil was afraid of them because he knew those people had the power and presence of God! This was their witness, the only real witness. It was all or nothing. It was total dedication or forget it. They were simple people, nothing special, just like you or I, yet their testimony was undeniable—they walked with God.

Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.

And seeing the man who had been healed standing with them, they had nothing to say in reply. But when they had ordered them to leave the Council, they began to confer with one another, saying, “What shall we do with these men? For the fact that a noteworthy miracle has taken place through them is apparent to all who live in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it. But so that it will not spread any further among the people, let us warn them to speak no longer to any man in this name.”

And when they had summoned them, they commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.” [Acts 4:13-20]

This was their profound and powerful effect on a sinful world but also upon a deceptive autocratic bad-natured contrary monetarily-rich religious authority construct that had much to do with the world, the flesh, and the devil but nothing whatsoever to do with God. You will know them by their fruits. It is the same with every manifestation of Unreal Christianity. You see, it was because the world was so far from God that He needed those willing early disciples to push hard and far with all their might in the opposite direction to get as many people in the world back on course, saved, and close to God. In this process false religion would have to be overcome, defeated, and hopefully destroyed so people under its influence could be free and no longer subjected to its evil wiles.

It is why the Lord Jesus, with this in mind, throughout His 3½ year ministry, had to put so much work and wisdom into: Selecting potential disciples, instructing them, guiding them, and developing them with the intention of bringing them to full maturity. The crowning finishing touch was their profound Upper Room experience at Pentecost when they gained the indwelling spiritual power necessary for their walk and work for the Lord. Otherwise such disciples would never have been able to perform His will for the great task at hand. They would never have been able to win spiritual battles. In essence, without such strong dedication they would have been spiritually worthless and would never have been able to operate as the Lord did. The devil would have held them in derision as spiritual sissies instead of shaking in his shoes at their presence. They would have otherwise appeared as the majority of Christians in our era who cannot fight their way out of a wet paper bag and are just fine with such a sorry set-up.

Whether these mile-wide and inch-deep Christians know it or not, their pathetic “Christian” lifestyle has made real Christians appear as something strange and foreign that must be mocked and rejected even by them. They treat allegiance to the Lord (the Man who gave His life for them) in the same manner in that any low level of partial commitment is perfectly okay and acceptable. Hence, they justify their anti-discipleship and deny their potential strength as not only unworkable but something to be shunned. They believe such real discipleship is humanly impossible with far too high a cost.   

Those who actually did it then and do it now would beg to differ, however. These decided the great spiritual results were definitely worth the high cost. The originals, against great odds, proved what was possible. They showed every succeeding generation how it was done. This spiritual ability and what they accomplished did not end with that first generation but continued on with each succeeding generation. The road certainly got tougher, however, especially with the great rise of fake Christianity which joined and then surpassed unbelieving Jews as the chief persecutors of real Christians. That most Christians refused to enter and partake of the Lord’s actual kingdom in this world had no bearing on the relative few who did and succeeded.

Again, the Early Church suffered the same egregious treatment as those persecuted by the later fake Christians because their total obedience to the Lord appeared to those without as something strange and untoward even though it brought great spiritual benefits and freed hundreds of thousands from bondage to sin. Those who thought them strange were the actual strange ones in that they put personal comfort and social status above spiritual effectiveness. Their place in the new universal fake Christian religion was much more important in their eyes and the last thing such pretenders wanted was for people to think they were part of a strange minority caste of religious misfits who took God far too seriously.


The discipleship the Lord instituted, then, demanded that a believer honor their Master exclusively and totally. This is how it was done with itinerant rabbis of that time anyway, in that their students pledged themselves to their leader in order to gain the requisite teaching and wisdom desired for their schooling. Do we not see the same approach in our traditional teacher-student relationship? If a student fails to honor the teacher and believe what he or she is teaching then the construct will fail and knowledge will not be disseminated. This means that any doubt of the process including doubt regarding the teacher’s character, intentions, and material will cause a failure of the process but especially a failure of the student’s development which will not bode well for the student’s future.

This is why the Lord Jesus was so demanding of His disciple’s recognition of His standing—of His place of eminence as their sole Teacher and Shepherd—and of His disciple’s attitude in not only honoring Him but also properly respecting their spiritual vocation in order to excel toward their own proficiency and spiritual effectiveness. In this way, as He did, they could also be effective in making and developing disciples in the future. In other words, great teachers make great students who become great teachers (who make great students who make great teachers…)

So we see why the Lord demanded that one follow Him completely and sincerely or not at all. He would rather have three thoroughly dedicated disciples obeying Him and fully applying His teachings than three hundred or three thousand or three hundred thousand who fall short of this standard. Sadly, the vast majority of Christians in the world over the last two thousand years, especially at present, have always appropriated the latter underachieving class who fail to properly honor the Lord and His clear standard. This intransigence, laziness, compromising attitude, and ignorance of the Lord’s teachings, though primarily their refusal to honor Him as they should, has likely resulted in a much bigger mess in the world than if they had never become Christians to begin with.

For example, what good does it do to obey the Golden Rule only in part? What value is there in treating others the way we want to be treated in only a selective manner? How beneficial can it actually be if we only love the Lord Jesus short of 100% or become believers according to our own terms rather than His? How can one’s relationship with Him be viable if one refuses to give Him all of one’s heart or decline to have one’s heart fully circumcised? Is He not worthy? Is He not the Teacher? He is not the Shepherd? Is He not God?


The following Scriptural passages reveal the actual truth of the Lord’s teachings and commands regarding our allegiance to Him. Remember, during His time here the Lord Jesus was a man’s Man with a powerful presence and bearing and not the false depiction we so often see of a long-haired hippie spouting fake peace and love with flowers in his hair. One can rest assured that those who initially put forth this false image in the distant past did so in an effort to denigrate Him while exalting themselves.

In reality, the Lord was a Carpenter and Builder engaging in hard manual labor every day until He was thirty years old in a rough environment with no modern conveniences or power tools. He was physically ripped, bronzed by the sun, and weathered by the elements. Many of the disciples He initially chose were also like Him in this regard. They were extremely tough men used to battling the physical world and the Lord then used their strong abilities and character for spiritual ministry purposes which also made great demands upon a man. In this they were perfect for the work they were called to do. They ended up performing admirably and put the devil on the run. None of it was possible, however, without full allegiance toward their ultra-worthy Lord and Master who set the precedent and showed them the way. May we all learn from His example and obey Him as follows:

“He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.” [Matthew 10:37-39]

“He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” [Matthew 12:30]

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me…” [John 10:27]

“If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.” [John 12:26]

“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” [John 14:15]

“He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” [John 14:21]

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” [John 15:4-5][1]

© 2023 by RJ Dawson. All Rights Reserved.

[1] Unless otherwise noted all Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © 1960, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Posted on November 17, 2023, in Teaching and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Thank you, RJ, certainly a compelling message, and while you mention the Lord ‘demands’, I must comment as one of His followers-by-His-grace, that I cannot help but wonder if ‘demands’ is the right word (you see how “interpretation” of words affects our translation and comprehension of Scriptures, and it is very much the same in our everyday discourse and in the words we use. I know the high calling is real, and I have had to forsake family and others in this journey, always with my heart breaking…but in my walk with the Lord I can honestly say that never in all my years of going through fiercest storms or through good times, along with sorrows and setbacks have I ever known our Saviour as a “demanding” King. I have only ever known Him as a fervently protective King and Shepherd of my soul who has not “demanded” but instead has earnestly loved and “wooed” me in the greatest unconditional unstoppable love to continue with Him, to not give up, and to follow and to stay close to His heart, trusting in His Way, Truth and Life. He has always lovingly picked me up when I fell, with no condemnation. Perhaps this is why Romans 8 and 1 Corinthians 13 are two passages of New Testament scriptures that call me again and again to strive to be steadfast in faith, and to follow and be immensely thankful for His unwavering grip of grace — knowing that not only does He first call us— He truly never lets us go. As the writer in Song of Songs penned do beautifully, “I am my Beloved’s and He is Mine.” 💖👑🕊️Shalom, my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Susan. I am blessed by your heartfelt response. There is much love for the Lord in your comment and reveals the heart of a dedicated disciple. I appreciate it.

      I know my word choice of the verb “demand” may appear incorrect in application, but this is the actual definition according to Merriam-Webster: “to ask for (something) earnestly or with authority.” The following are close synonyms: ask, claim, need, request, require, and want. There are other less accurate synonyms which seem to connote a different sense such as: exact, call (for), insist (on), press (for), and necessitate. And then there are those not so close which appear negative: impose, plead (for), requisition, hound, and even badger. Putting the word in context is thus quite important and the greater part of the context involves what we know to be of the Lord’s attitude and manner, in that, as you stated, He is gentle, loving, and kind.

      There is another more familiar, accepted, and acceptable word, however, that means the same thing as “demand” and one which the Lord also used. This word is “command.” It also gives off the possibly hard-edged connotation of “demand.” Yet we know the Ten Commandments are just that. They are things that God commands us to do. As some have noted, they are not suggestions. The Lord Jesus used the word “command” in the same way. He without doubt commands His disciples and it is up to His disciples to obey. (I know these English words are translated from the Greek and that there was an original gospel written in Hebrew and that the originals were closer to the point but we must trust in our translation as the best we can do and are essentially very close, though some translations are certainly best.)

      It therefore starts at the beginning when one makes the initial decision to follow the Lord Jesus and give Him one’s heart. After that it is a matter of obedience and trust. The words “demand” and “command” still have their direct meaning but are couched in His love for us and desire to guide and help us as a loving Father. In this they lose any negative connotation because we know the Lord loves us and is worthy of our trust.

      This is why I added the seven passages of Scripture in which the Lord clearly makes demands of His disciples that appear at first as far too strong and out of character, yet He is not wrong in making such demands, but one’s perception of His intentions could be wrong. Remember, obedient children with good hearts who trust their parents are usually always quick to obey and need no one making “demands” so the word appears to not come into use. It is why the Lord said “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” Yet loving parents certainly “demand” that their children obey because it is the only way to properly raise a child. Other children are not so “obedient with good hearts” but have a tendency to rebel or take issue with the demands of their parents or authority figures in general. These are more difficult to raise.

      Therefore, regardless of the way the word “demand” initially appears and the connotation it gives off it relays the foundational fact that the Lord Jesus, as we both believe and know, of course, is King and must be King in our understanding of Him. He is King of His Kingdom overall and must be King in each of our lives. The Lord Jesus is God, He has all authority in heaven and earth. He has commandments and makes demands. It is up to us to honor, trust, and obey Him. So, whether I use the word “demand” or possibly others which essentially mean the same thing but have a different initial connotation in how the word may first register in our minds or what we may associate with it that may appear negative, the effect is the same. As His disciples we must obey.

      The Lord Jesus, of course, was the greatest Disciple of all during His sojourn on earth as a Man in that, as the Son, He honored the Father absolutely. He obeyed each and every one of His Father’s directives and commands. He even honored the Father when He commanded the Son to go to the cross. In effect, this was certainly a demand. The Son illustrated His full allegiance to the Father by subjecting Himself to the extreme suffering demanded of the Sacrifice Lamb even unto death. Yet, the Son loved the Father, knew the Father loved the Son, and was ever-willing to do the Father’s will. So whether we characterize this as the Father’s “demand” or “command” the effect, again, was the same. It was something the Lord HAD to do. It was required. It was demanded. It had to be accomplished in order to save every soul that wanted salvation and the requisite close relationship with God in which one is fully reconciled to Him.

      It is why our full allegiance to the Lord Jesus is absolutely required or demanded. There is no way to serve Him completely and honorably otherwise. It is something that must be decided on in the beginning of our walk or soon thereafter once we gain the understanding.

      Blessing to you, Susan, and thanks again for a wonderful comment. You are much appreciated here. Thank you again for your prayers. Shalom, my good friend

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think it’s all about how we use language. I don’t see the word “demanding” being in any way similar to “command” or the Lord’s commandments. We have been given free will by our Crestor to choose whether or not to serve Him, and there is no obligation or “demanding” within that context. Demanding connotes the way of a tyrant, which is the total antithesis of the Lord’s character. That is mostly what I was trying to get at. I think Micah 6:8 says it best about what the Lord “requires” (not demands) of us: “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” (‭‭Micah‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

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        • In the context of my post, I used “demand” because the majority of Christians are not giving the Lord Jesus full allegiance, either because they have not been taught to or simply refuse to, and this has obviously caused major problems (bad fruit) that has reached a critical stage, because the Lord essentially has no, little, or not enough authority in their lives overall to work with them and through them as His disciples to bring forth the necessary good fruit to overcome the bad fruit and for good to overcome evil.

          When Christians do give the Lord full allegiance good fruit always results. If a Christian is already giving full allegiance to the Lord, there is no reason for the Lord to make such a demand and the word “demand” does not apply. If a person determines in his or her heart to never commit the sins mentioned in the Ten Commandments and has the record to prove it (so far) then there is no need for the Lord to command that person toward that end, yet the Ten Commandments are still there standing as a definition of sin.

          Look at it in terms of the ministry of John the Immerser and the ministry of the Lord with reference to the ancient nation of Israel. The nation had reached a critical stage. Both John and the Lord were making demands of the Israelites to repent and get right with God for their own salvation but also because they were about to lose their country. It was the Lord’s and John’s country also and they wanted to save it but needed the majority to get on board to that end. I would imagine they were very passionate about this.

          Regarding the critical stage with direct signs of such all around, John said, “The axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” He was both prophesying of what was going to happen if a great move toward God was not made but also demanding that the nation get right and the individuals thereof begin producing good fruit. To insist that one “repent” is essentially the same as “demanding” that one repent. Both the Lord and John were saying, “This is it.” They were not making suggestions or treating the situation with kid gloves. Of course, the Lord knew the majority would not repent but He gave them the blessed opportunity anyway.

          If one did repent and gave the Lord full allegiance then there was no need to make any more demands upon them regarding allegiance to God. Before repentance they either had no allegiance to God or only partial allegiance. Neither one is workable or acceptable.

          However, I have taken a closer look at the two words “demand” and “command” and there is a nuanced difference as you state though in my opinion not so much that it negates the eventual effect. When Peter preached at Pentecost, for example, it was a hard-hitting message filled with Scripture directed at a guilty party to the point of great conviction on their part. He answered the query of that large crowd of unbelieving convicted Israelites (“Brethren, what shall we do?”) in this way: Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Now, whether we get into extreme semantics here are not (there is actually no Greek word for “said” in that passage), Peter told them what they must do. Whether “told” is seen as a “command,” a “demand,” a “directive” or something similar, the meaning might have a nuanced difference but the point and effect is the same. Did he tell them gently and kindly with sweetness and light or did he tell them loudly in a strong and powerful way? The former would not appear as demanding but maybe the latter would.

          I think, though, that when souls hang in the balance and must receive salvation or go to hell it is understandable if one displays spiritual zeal in the attempt to assist in reconciling them to a holy God before it is too late. The same can be said for a predominantly “Christian” country going down fast in great need of a massive correction through a powerful move of God, the only possible remaining remedy.

          Liked by 1 person

          • TY, RJ. I was thinking more along the lines that it isn’t God’s demands thst wins souls, it’s His love. Ultimately, what counts is that our omnipotent God has GOT this, He won every battle at the Cross and empty tomb, and holds the entire universe in place. I believe His love wins. Let’s keep looking to the greatness of our God. I also like the scripture that reminds us that His commands are not grievous, (1John 5:3) and Paul’s reminder that unless the Holy Spirit draws people they cannot come to Him. Praying for the lost. 🙏✝️💖


            • Thank you Susan. You have blessed me this day. We may be looking at the issue from different perspectives but see the big picture exactly the same. You are right. It is about His great love and He has GOT this. Though He did say if we would serve Him we must follow Him, no one will if they don’t love Him, and we know what kind of love this must be. Those who do follow Him are effective for Him, work with Him, and assist in achieving with Him that which He wants and needs to achieve. May we all be good and effective disciples doing our part.

              Please understand my passion for seeing more Christians awaken and also for whosoever will to awaken. The Great Awakening must continue and will. Millions of former Christian nations in the West have been subjected to a great enchanting delusion which must be overcome. We must return to our Scriptural roots. The Christianity in power with the authority and great resources is failing and this requires the Lord to draw new people in who will serve Him, much like what happened in the first century AD.

              I appreciate your prayer warrior status and enjoyed this dialogue. One more thing: Over thirty years ago I had joined a new church by the Lord’s clear direction (another cool story). There were a bunch of us in a new members class and it appeared to me as though we had pretty much everything in common. Afterwards I had a brief conversation with the pastor, a really good guy, and I told him something to the effect that we seem to have mostly the same beliefs. He laughed and said, “That’s scary!” I later discovered we did have a few differences but it made no difference. It was a great place and I enjoyed almost seven years there.

              Blessing to you, Susan. This was fun. Thank you

              Liked by 1 person

              • Important to divide the Word and dialogue. Your post kind of connected with a message I read from Francis Frangipane about being wise builders ( and also I stand with you for the Great Awakening and revival and fervent faith and unity as was seen in the early church. Praying 🙏 and believing.


                • This is interesting. I had not thought of or mentioned Francis Frangipane to anyone in perhaps years until this week. Pretty sure it was Wednesday. That was the day I began writing this article. But while talking to someone and ministering I brought him up and relayed a segment I remembered from one of his books. I then looked over a book of his that I bought years ago, This Day We Fight! And now you send this message, Susan. I went and read the article you linked before writing this. It is an excellent message with a great thought but sadly, pretty rare. It did not read like something I was used to reading from most others. He really brought it home, though.

                  I appreciate you adding his message here. I can see how it kind of connects. I learned decades ago that the answers we seek are in the New Testament primarily if not exclusively and especially in the initial delivery of the Lord’s teachings in the gospels. And yet most ministers, churches, ministries, etc. do not have this focus and are thus not aware of much of the NT or teach it, for the relative few who are aware.

                  Thus, most of that which is termed Christianity has not appropriated the Word of God—the Lord Jesus—in His fullness. He is thus neglected at best and rejected at worst by most of the very people who claim Him. This means there are counterfeits…

                  Yes, what an interesting day, Susan. Thank you for this. I have bookmarked Francis Frangipane’s site. (I remember hearing about him first probably around 1991 or so. I think he may have visited our church.)

                  Here’s to the Lord. All glory and honor and praise to Him. He did this. We are blessed

                  Liked by 1 person

  2. I learned early in life, through sports for example, that going all out is quite a learning curve. The bar is set higher and higher in what that means. We all start somewhere and go from there. My “all out” looks different than all others. The Holy Spirit works on us there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good analogy, Gary. Thanks for your contribution which is always appreciated. I also learned much through sports in this regard that going all out is the only way. I appreciate the way Major League baseball is set up in that a player must start pretty low in most cases in Rookie League and low Class A, and work his way up. There are great high school players who never get past this stage for whatever reason. There are excellent Division I college players that stop at A ball or may get to AA. (Division I college may be about the same as A ball depending on the program and league talent level.) Then there are those that keep grinding and improving and working and gaining the right attitude adjustment and make a solid splash in double A and a few get to triple A. Some guys are excellent baseball players, some of the best on the planet, but never get a call up from AAA. And then there are those who make it to the Show. They never get there without making 100% demands of themselves.

      I think it may be similar in following the Lord. We are never saved by our religious “works” of course, which make a mockery of our Lord’s great sacrifice and only payment for our sins. Yet, we are also challenged as Christians and sometimes greatly challenged and have to make the right decisions and applications in life according to His teachings. Some get through such tight places but others do not by their own incorrect choices. In that sense it can get pretty tricky in that the only way to continue on with the Lord and advance is to NOT do something or DO something that is demanded at that time. If we fail we can repent, though, and try again. For this we are so thankful because it illustrates His mercy and grace.

      I think the apostles Peter, John, and Paul give us the best witness in the NT of what it means to advance in development as real Christians and become ever more effective, since there is so much written about them in the historical record. Those men appear quite different from some we may hold up as good examples in our day.

      The straight and narrow Way is demanding and makes demands upon us and is the way it is due to pressure from both sides, kind of like a long birth canal. If we keep getting it right, correcting our missteps, obeying the Lord, and actually fulfill our course we make it to the Show, something the Lord paved the way for and also showed us the Way. What a trip.

      Blessings to you, Gary. Missed you. Hope all is well.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I do enjoy reading other’s comments on your posts. I like Gary’s statement, we all start somewhere and go from there. I would never want to go back to the beginning of my life because it took this many years to understand my purpose and be comfortable in who I am and the most important thing is that I am His daughter and He is my Father. That gives me goosebumps to say. 🙂 Susan always has good comments as well. Dialog is important, it is how we learn.


    • The Lord has truly blessed me with good readers! I appreciate each and every one. Susan is a longtime reader and friend, going back several years. She does excellent work and I encourage all to visit her site. Gary is also a good friend and reader. I also encourage all to pay him a visit and see his excellent work. I think I found his site not long before I found yours a few years ago. Both have added a lot to this site as have you. I am blessed. You also do excellent work Sandra and I encourage all to pay you a visit.

      I would never want to go back either though the Lord has blessed me with much and many happy memories. But there have also been some hard times. It takes a lot of work and effort in the attempt to be a good disciple and includes some tough trials and learning moments which are great if from Him. I am glad you found a great place with the Lord. I can relate to the spiritual goosebumps. The Lord is a great Father!

      Blessings to you

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  4. RJ, many years ago my pastor put me in charge of a ladies’ soulwinning effort. We were taught door-to-door evangelism, and at first it was very exciting to be able to open the Word to complete strangers and have them actually pray for Jesus to save them.

    As time went on, though, very few of those people actually attended church or allowed follow-up discipling visits. For the first time, I understood the term “easy-believism” and saw the dangers involved in what we were doing.

    The best thing that came out of that experience, for me, was that I learned to lead a person to the Lord. But I slowed it way down, answered questions that we’d been taught to avoid, and allowed the person to need more time to think it through. It was an entirely different thing when this person did ask Jesus to save his soul. It was real, not just a way to get rid of this weird person at the door. Such a person could be discipled, because his interest was caught and he wanted more. That’s where we’ve lost it, I believe. And not just with new converts, but also with our youth who grow up in church and have become bored by the time they are 9 or 10. We’re not reaching their hearts with Jesus.


    • Thanks Linda. This is really good. I appreciate it. I can also relate, my friend. I remember in my early years witnessing to the whole world, it seemed, with much dedication. I did some of this right, that is, when I was anointed and led by the Lord. However, there also seemed to exist the idea that if we witnessed to someone and they reacted negatively or without the correct decision then they could be written off as if they had their chance but missed their opportunity. This may be true in a sense but for the most part I don’t think such a witness is correct. I remember my own salvation demanded patience since I was not at all ready but would be in time. The Lord knew this. I rejected the first witness and then went through three entire months of the Lord working on me and preparing me for the next follow-up witness from the same person. It was then I was ready and made a full 100% commitment to the Lord. I was so blessed to have that second opportunity.

      So I agree with you completely. I am glad you saw the flaws in the first approach and took a more Biblical approach illustrating the heart of the Lord. We are so greatly blessed by His mercy, Linda! We must express such love and mercy and not simply try to win arguments. People know when someone is sincere. Such sincere people do not put time limits on the work of God or try to shorten the process to meet an agenda.

      By the way, Linda, I cannot write as I once did and am doing my best to stay in touch. The problem that suddenly came upon me in late March improved in early July but returned in early November. I have prayed about it continuously. The Lord knows and will take care of it His way in His time. I trust Him. In the meantime I will do my best but will likely have to stop for a while.

      Have a Merry Christmas

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